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Egg White Mask for Wrinkles

Sunday, July 10, 2011

We all hate to see wrinkles in our face, but we cannot avoid it and it naturally comes as we get older. Market is filled with many anti-wrinkles cream, but most of which don’t work in the way they promised, and sometimes the effect is temporary. Also, using chemicals on your skin can cause some skin problems if your skin is sensitive. There are some natural home remedies to avoid wrinkles. Applying egg white on the face is one way to get rid of wrinkles.

How egg white work:

The protein and minerals present in the egg-white nourishes the skin and make it tight. It also removes excess oil from the skin and promotes skin regeneration.

How to use Egg white:

Crack the egg from the middle and pour out its egg white in a bowl. Avoid dropping of egg yolk in the bowl. Beat the egg white and add few drops of lemon into it. Some people prefer to add additional ingredients like honey, lemon or milk to make the mask more effective. Apply it on your face as a mask avoiding eyes and mouth areas. Leave it there for around 10 minutes and then rinse off. It also removes oil from the skin so it is very much suitable for oily skin. If you have dry skin, follow up with some good moisturizer.

Benefits of egg white mask:

It makes the large pore shrinks.
It gives superb tightening effect on the skin.
Immediate effect on the wrinkles.
It removes excess oil from the face and act as a good oil balancing agent.
It makes you look younger.
It is cheap and natural home remedy, free from any side effects.

These are few benefits of applying egg white mask on the face. It is a natural, eco-friendly and easily accessible in the kitchen which does wonders with the skin. It doesn’t cause skin problems which we may experience while applying chemicals.


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