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Medifast is by far The Best Weight Loss Program

Friday, July 1, 2011

Medifast is by far the best weight loss program I’ve ever tried! I love it, and although I’ve bumped myself out of ketosis several time due to a birthday party, family reunion, and a concert, I’ve still lost 25 lbs. and 2 pant sizes, in less than 2 months! I can’t wait to lose the other 35 lbs. that I have to lose! And, because of all of the nutrients I’m getting, my nails are growing like crazy! It takes dedication, but it’s so worth it. It has changed the way I look at food! And, the people that say you’ll gain all the weight back, obviously missed the whole point of this plan. You can’t go back to eating the way you did before Medifast, and you have to exercise! It’s a lifestyle change!! If you’re desperate, try it, and remember that it takes about 3-5 days to enter ketosis, but once you’re there, you ARE NOT HUNGRY!!! Which, for me, is a wonderful thing:)

Just a couple tips. Get a health coach. I was losing weight very SLOW until I got a health coach (miofit.com) that could help me through the barriers of weight loss.’

I also couldn’t afford Medifast, but I found coupons code online that helped. Medifastcoupons.net showed me how to double coupons so I was able to save $85 off of a $275 purchase!!! That made a 1 month supply only $190! So much better!


Approximate Monthly Cost (US$) 200
Food Variety Restrictions A wide variety of allowed foods
Restrictiveness of Portions Satisfying


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